Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lab 9b

1. How many counties does the State of Iowa contain? (1 pt)
 There are 99 counties in Iowa.

2. Which county in Georgia contains the largest number of people, as of the year 2001? (1 pt)
Fulton contains the largest number of people in 2001.

3. How many cities, with populations between 10,000 and 49,000, are located within the State of Washington? (1 pt)
There are 39 cities in Washington that have a population between 10,000 and 49,000.

4. How many miles long are all of the interstates in Los Angeles County? (1 pt)
The interstates in Los Angeles County are 4,105.56 miles long.

5. Simplify the UrbanBoundaries feature class so that only the urban areas of Los Angeles County are visible (Hint: you must use one of the overlay functions). Create a new feature class and save it into the LosAngeles dataset using the name LA_Urban. Include a screenshot of this new layer with your assignment. (2 pts)

6. How many acres of urban area lie within Los Angeles County, based upon your results from question #5? ( 1 pt)
There are 1,441,652.796875 acres of urban area within Los Angeles County.

7. How many zip codes have their centroid in Los Angeles County? (1 pt)
There are 522 zip codes that have their centroid in Los Angeles County.

8. Create a layer displaying the provinces of Canada using the data provided to you in the Canada feature dataset. Save this new layer under the Canada feature dataset using the name Provinces. Include a screenshot of this new layer with your assignment. (2 pts)

9. Which Native American Indian Reservations lie within 75 miles of the City of Thurso in Canada? (1 pt)
Both Kitigan Zibi Indian Reservation and Akwesasne Indian Reservation lie within 75 miles of the city Thurso.

10. Open your final and complete geodatabase in ArcCatalog. Make sure all of the feature datasets and feature classes are viewable. Capture a screenshot of the geodatabase and include this screenshot with your assignment. (1 pt)

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